Bcv is attending par the #EMBC conference in …
📢 Bcv is attending par the #EMBC conference “45th annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society” in Sydney, Australia from July 24 to 27, 2023. Mounir Lahlouh presents his work entitled: “Automated Aortic Anatomy Analysis: ...

LINNC 23, PARIS: Join our Bcv Session and get to …
Raphael Blanc is presentating this morning the session on our electronic actuable guidewire. In case you missed it, the Bcv (basecamp vascular) team will be delighted to introduce you to our active guidewire aimed at optimizing endovascular access & ...

BCV is attending LINNC PARIS 2023!
📢Bcv (basecamp vascular) will attend LINNC PARIS 2023, an immersive experience in the world of Interventional Neuroradiology, Neurology and Neurosurgery, from June 5 to 7 2023, at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. 🎯Join the team on ...

Workshops at SFNR
📢 Bcv (basecamp vascular) will attend the SFNR “Interventional neuroradiology workshops” in Bénodet, from 31 May to 02 June 2023!🎯Don’t miss this opportunity to discover our innovation and its active endovascular navigation, facilitated by our tailor-made technology. ...

IABM 2023 : AI at the Institut Curie
BCV took part in the French conference on Artificial Intelligence in BioMedical Imaging (IABM 2023) yesterday and today at the Institut Curie, Paris. Our PhD student Mounir Lahlouh presented his work entitled: “Automated Aortic Anatomy ...

SFNR23: From idea to project… from project to …
Between regulatory constraints and fund-raising, Raphaël Blanc, physician and co-founding Chairman of BCV, describes an intense journey today at the Société Française de Neuroradiologie (SFNR) conference in Paris. De l’idée au projet… du projet à ...

BCV takes part in the annual congress SFNR23 in …
BCV takes part in the annual congress of the Société Française de Neuroradiologie (SFNR). From March 29 to 31, 2023, this unique congress, which celebrates its fiftieth edition in 2023, addresses the various fields of ...

💙We do Care❤️
Bcv (basecamp vascular) a récemment rejoint les rangs de France Biotech, association indépendante qui fédère les entrepreneurs de l’innovation dans la santé et leurs partenaires experts. 🇺🇸🇬🇧 Bcv (basecamp vascular) has recently joined the ranks of France Biotech, an independent ...

Thierry Col takes over as new CEO of basecamp …
[PARIS, FRANCE – January 19th 2023] We are pleased to announce the appointment of Thierry Col as CEO of Basecamp Vascular – bcv, effective February 1st, 2023. He succeeds Raphaël Blanc, Co-founder and President, who ...

We do care, BCV joins La French Care
Reconciling excellence, agility and humanism, united around the values of promotion for the benefit of patients: this is the credo of the members of La French Care, which Bcv (basecamp vascular) has recently joined.